Life by Keith Richards

Overview (from Wikipedia)
Life is a memoir by Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, written with the assistance of journalist James Fox. Published in October 2010, in hardback, audio and e-book formats, the book chronicles Richards’ love of music, charting influences from his mother and maternal grandfather, through his discovery of blues music, the founding of the Rolling Stones, his often turbulent relationship with Mick Jagger, his involvement with drugs, his relationships with women including Anita Pallenberg and his wife Patti Hansen. Richards also released Vintage Vinos, a compilation of his work with the X-Pensive Winos, at the same time.

Why the President Should Read This Book
Reading biographies of the founding fathers, past presidents, influential leaders in economics, politics, and business–that’s all grand, but what about staying in touch with normal people. Sure, Keith Richards isn’t exactly the first person who might come to mind when you try to think of an average Joe, but upon reading his autobiography you realize he is more or less a normal type of guy who has had some rather abnormal experiences. Or you might say he’s had normal experiences, but they were on the extreme side of normal. For example, when I was in high school it was kind of the “normal” thing to do drugs. I never did, but you sure learn something about what it’s like from Richard’s biography.

But aside from using the book to stay in touch with “normal” people, the book is a treasure trove of experiences relating to public policy, although I’m sure that was not Richard’s intent. Entrepreneurship, running a business, taxes, the drug war, politics, economics, power, money, fame, glory…it’s all here in on-the-ground, real living color.